An Open Access Online Journal on Arabian Epigraphy.
Final article of Volume 4 published!
Arabian Epigraphic Notes invites submissions to the fifth issue (2019). We especially encourage papers dealing with issues in the grammar and lexicon of the various epigraphic languages of Arabia and editions of new inscriptions.
On how to submit a paper and the stylistic guidelines, see the Authors page.
Two new articles published in Volume 4!
Arabian Epigraphic Notes invites submissions to the fifth issue (2019). We especially encourage papers dealing with issues in the grammar and lexicon of the various epigraphic languages of Arabia and editions of new inscriptions.
On how to submit a paper and the stylistic guidelines, see the Authors page.
A new article published in Volume 4!
Arabian Epigraphic Notes invites submissions to the fourth issue (2018). We especially encourage papers dealing with issues in the grammar and lexicon of the various epigraphic languages of Arabia and editions of new inscriptions.
On how to submit a paper and the stylistic guidelines, see the Authors page.
A new article published in Volume 4!
Arabian Epigraphic Notes invites submissions to the fourth issue (2018). We especially encourage papers dealing with issues in the grammar and lexicon of the various epigraphic languages of Arabia and editions of new inscriptions.
On how to submit a paper and the stylistic guidelines, see the Authors page.
Two new articles published in Volume 4!
Arabian Epigraphic Notes invites submissions to the fourth issue (2018). We especially encourage papers dealing with issues in the grammar and lexicon of the various epigraphic languages of Arabia and editions of new inscriptions.
On how to submit a paper and the stylistic guidelines, see the Authors page.